Hi y’all,
Hope you are having a good weekend! I’m enjoying the sunshine. This weekend I’m reading…
- “New Moon,” book two in the “Twilight” series by Stephenie Meyer. I do not have any copies of the “Twilight” books in the library, but our eighth-graders are reading the first in the series this year in class. The movie based on the first book has been very popular. To reserve a copy of the book from the Multnomah County Library, click here. You will need your library card and password, which is generally the last four digits of your home phone number.
- “Caprial and John’s Kitchen: Recipes for Cooking Together”
- “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” (book 4)
- “CDB!” by William Steig
- “Tales of the Cryptids: Mysterious Creatures That May Or May Not Exist,” As Investigated by Halls, Spears, & Young
Many of you have noticed that we are a library without computer check-out and inventory.
This will no longer be the case by next school year, if everything goes as planned.
A team will be making its way to Peninsula to help us make the transition, but we need your help, too. I need detail-oriented volunteers who can work on scanning books into the computer system. I am flexible on the times, but am in the library Monday afternoons and Tuesday-Friday mornings. District librarians will train all volunteers early next year. It is not too difficult to do, once you learn the system. Please call the school and ask for me, or e-mail nrawley@pps.k12.or.us.
Thank you!
Best, and happy reading to you,
Mrs. Nancy Rawley
Library Assistant