In case any of my former students drop by this blog… I’m teaching preschool at the moment. It’s kind of awesome, because even though you’re thinking to yourself, Self, the babies! They’re soooo cute. Aw, fingerpainting. Playing with the tactile table (ribbons, pasta, plastic marbles). Raising butterflies. Taking naps.
They are not babies.
They’re important, fierce, smart and on a mission. So don’t get in their way, man.
Hope y’all are well. Have a great summer, we’re almost there 🙂
Ms. Nancy
ps here are five of my top picks for preschool books 🙂 Bon appetit, not-babies!
“Bread and Jam for Frances,” by Russell and Lillian Hoban
“When Sophie Gets Angry — Really, Really Angry,” by Molly Bang