(Photo by Steve Rawley)
That photo is old, kids, do you like it? My husband took it when he was a kid, of the neighbor kids and his sister. See? He’s been a photographer his whole life! He found something he liked to do and he’s stuck with it. Me? I like to write, read and teach.
What do you like to do? Maybe you’ll do that when you get older, too. Even if you can’t make money from it, you can still have fun. My writing has never paid much, but I do it when I have a chance and that’s good enough. I try to write something every single day.
Right now I’m writing…
1) this blog post
2) a new novel (a young adult book, for teenagers)
3) in my journal
4) a grocery list and…
5) I need to write some letters and cards to family and friends
Well, that’s enough writing for now, don’t you think? Are you aware that school starts again next Tuesday? Yes, I agree, it seems like school just got out last week. But we will have a good year, I know it 🙂
Leave me a note if you think of it.
Mrs. R
ps — maybe Mr. Rawley will tell us a little bit about his old camera that he used to take these pictures? That would be cool. I’ll ask him. If you click on his FlickR pages, you’ll see a bunch more. His family thinks it’s neat that he still has these photos after all these years. I do, too.